Okay so I haven't done this in a looooong time, but the other day I had a sewing pattern splurge. Well, three. Ahem. You know how these things happen - once I'd bought one haul, it wasn't much more effort to add a few more to my basket. And then I found a pile of vintage (1980s - that's vintage, okay?) sewing patterns in a local charity shop, which is a pretty rare find in London, so in celebration I bought the high waisted skirt pattern above. Ignore the awful illustrations, squint and imagine the skirt with a Breton top or pussy bow blouse. Oh yes.
There are worse vices to have in life, non?
Have you made any of these patterns? I've seen some lurrrrrvely versions of New Look 6000...
[Soundtrack: 'Oh Me Oh My (I'm a Fool for You Baby)' by Aretha Franklin]