Yesterday morning, I awoke in a cold sweat from a nightmare. I dreamt that I'd overslept and missed the Walthamstow Sewing Blogger Meet-Up organised by Stevie. Mercifully, it was only a dream, so I didn't get to miss any of this...

Lovely ladies...

Swapping our pattern and fabric stashes...

Claire demonstrated her unbelievable organisational skills once again, this time with a swatch sheet previewing all 20 pieces of fabrics she'd brought to swap...

Claire, Stevie and Dibs simply ooze sex appeal with their granny shoppers!!
So what did I come away with?

The majority of this was from the swap, so a pretty good haul for £5.50!
I feel so lucky to have met such a wonderful group of people who share my passion for all things sewing :)