Happy Friday! Just a quick update today to let you know that from next week I'll be switching up the blogging schedule. After years of posting twice a week, every week, I've decided to post once a week from now on - on Wednesdays.
You're probably thinking, "So what?", but I think it's nice to know what to expect when you read a blog regularly, non? What you can expect from this blog now on is a focus on the best posts - dressmaking tips, techniques, design hacks, inspiration from your makes and some peeks behind the scenes. These are the posts which are the most popular with T&TB readers, and which are also the kinds of posts I most like to write! There's soooo much content out there that it can feel overwhelming sometimes, so I think one post a week from this blog is enough. And rather than rushing to get two posts per week published, I'd much rather spend my time and energy preparing one really great post that I feel proud of and hopefully that you'll enjoy reading :)
Speaking of content, we've been updating our page categories - have a click around the links in the dropdown menu at the top of the page and you'll see that there is a wealth of stuff to read. And there will be more, oh yes, there will be more.
We're working on some fab new stuff at the moment, and we'll probably do the occasional extra post when we have a special announcement or new release. But if you want to be the first to know about new patterns, workshops and other exciting stuff, you should sign up to our newsletter! That's where we'll be announcing new stuff first. TBH I've been a bit slack with the newsletter recently but I'm planning to make it much better in the near future - promise :)
Thanks so much for reading. I really do appreciate you stopping by, and I'm feeling really inspired and motivated to keep on improving this blog bit by bit.
Bon weekend!