What's on my sewing table? Lots of scrunched up bits of paper, that's what. And tons of pencil sharpenings on the floor. Ever since the first pattern cutting course I took last Summer, I've been meaning to draft a pegged skirt in my size. I finally got started on this a couple of weeks ago and all I have to show for it so far is half a pattern. Yes, half a pattern - the front of the skirt. I'm pretty pleased with it, but it's still only half a pattern. I won't go into the long and boring story of all the steps I took to get this far, not to mention the mis-steps which are just plain embarrassing ("I don't need a calculator! I'll can do all the divisions in my head..."). Suffice to say that I feel the worst is behind me and I'm now well on my way. This pattern cutting thing is hard work!
The good news is that I do now have a basic skirt block tailored to my measurements, adjusted to match the exact curve of my hips, with just the right amount of ease for sitting, bending and disco dancing. Like my bodice block, this is going to serve as a great starting point for developing skirt patterns. I've already got tons of design ideas I want to try out and can't wait to get stuck in! For now though, it's back to the pegged skirt...
What's on your sewing table?
[Soundtrack: 'I'm Your Man' by Leonard Cohen]