Sunday 8th September 2013
8 - 9pm London / 3 - 4pm New York / 12 - 1pm LA etc
The lovely Inna will be hosting the Asia Pacific version on the same day, Tokyo 2 - 3pm / Sydney 3 - 4pm / Auckland 4 - 5pm / Singapore 1 - 2pm
On Twitter using the hashtag #sewingsocial.
My Twitter name is @TillyButtons if you want to follow me ready for kick off.
Tip: Tweetchat is a really useful platform for following hashtag threads such as this one without having to refresh the page or remember to add the hashtag yourself (it does that bit automatically).
What shall we talk about?
Previous Twitter chats have seemed to work well by focusing on a particular discussion topic, at least to get things going. How about we talk around the loose theme of Autumn/Fall sewing? Whether that means patterns you're planning to make, resolutions you'd like to keep, what you're looking forward to most about Autumn sewing... or whatever Autumn sewing means to you.
Will I be Tilly No Mates or will you join me? Hope to tweet you then!
PS. In other news, I've given my blog a bit of a makeover! Do you like my new logo? It was designed by the talented Breanna Rose.