Well, the truth is that I have 25 things on my sewing table right now, because... [drum roll]... OMG I'M WRITING A BOOK!!!
I'm seriously excited to be joining the likes of Cath Kidston and Liberty on Quadrille Publishing's craft list, working with a truly fantastic Dream Team of people who are helping to make this book the best it can be. The story began over a year ago, and now it's full steam ahead, with weekly deadlines and only a few weeks to go until final submission (eek!) and, quite frankly, I can't keep it a secret any longer! The book will be out in Spring 2014, which seems like a looooong time to wait, but apparently is a really fast turnaround for publishing.
So what's the book about? Without wishing to give too much away (you want a surprise, non?), my book aims to make DIY dressmaking appealing and accessible to complete beginners. And for those of you who are already confident in making your own clothes, there are lots of lovely projects to add to your handmade wardrobe. It's practical, encouraging and gorgeous - basically it's the book I wish had existed when I started sewing, and I believe it fills a real gap on the bookshelves.
The other exciting piece of news is that I quit my job! I'd been dreaming of being my own boss for a while now (I blame these inspiring ladies) and being able to spend my days on my passion for making stuff and helping other people to make stuff. I feel incredibly fortunate that getting this book deal has allowed me to do just that. Hooray! I'm working my derrière off - harder than I've ever worked before - writing, designing, drafting, sewing, preparing for photo shoots... oh and keeping up the blog of course, as it's what underpins everything I do and has brought me this wonderful opportunity in the first place. While part of me can't wait to have a break after my deadline, I am feeling SO fulfilled and absolutely loving every second of it! I keep breaking into spontaneous dances of excitement (yes, on my own).
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has been reading my blog and encouraging me to continue, as you've helped to get me into the seriously awesome position of being able to do what I truly truly love for a living. I feel so lucky to be part of such a creative, friendly and supportive community :)

[Soundtrack: 'Once in a Lifetime' by Talking Heads]