I've been daydreaming about making this skirt for months now, and finally made the time to stitch it up this week. My other four Delphine skirts (pattern in my book) get worn all the time, and I wanted to add a red one to the collection. There's something about red that instantly makes an outfit feel more special, I find - even if it's a simple skirt thrown on with a stripy top, AKA my signature style! A-line mini skirts are on trend (en trende, if you will) right now, apparently - not that I pay much attention to trends, but there is something so lovely about wearing a little skirt over wooly tights on chilly Autumnal days, don't you think?

The fabric is gabardine, one of my favourite materials to sew with, and perfect for this skirt as it holds the structured shape really nicely. Although it does tend to get a little crumpled and creased! I covered some buttons in the same fabric and hand stitched them onto the front. I lined the skirt with this polka dot lining in my stash - here's a tutorial on lining the skirt that I wrote a few months back if you want to do likewise.

I'm teaching a workshop on how to make this skirt on Saturday 25 October at my studio - I'm really looking forward to seeing what fabrics everyone chooses!
What have you been sewing recently, please?