Blame Louise for the title of this post - I asked for suggestions and her joke was waaay more interesting than the holding title. So there we go!
We shared a sneak peek of this denim skirt with added plaited belt detail in our coin pocket tutorial, and had a lot of Qs on social media about it. So here it is in all its glory. The skirt was made with our Ness sewing pattern. I got the idea for the plait detail a few years ago while browsing ready-to-wear garments, and have been dreaming of adding to a me-made outfit ever since. The seventies vibe of the Ness skirt seemed like the perfect garment to add it to - and I'm absolutely in love with the result.

What I love about this skirt is how the plait elevates it from a classic blue denim skirt to something a little more special. Throw it on with a stripey top (my rule for everything, admittedly) and you're good to go.

The plait detail is pretty easy to make too. You can add it to other areas of the garment too, not just the waistband. Keep an eye out for the next post if you fancy stitching one yourself - we're going to take you step-by-step through how to do it with a video as well as pics :)
Photos by Jane Looker