I'm excited to say I'll be participating in Me-Made-June '11! Each day in June, I'll be wearing at least one item that I have made myself, joining a bunch of other stitchers in this challenge to celebrate our homemade clothes. I've loved following other bloggers' Me-Made-Months but as a relatively new seamster I've thus far shied away from participating. Having taken an inventory of my self-stitched clothes, I think I'm now ready to join in... hopefully without resorting to my homemade pyjamas too many times!
Oh yes, and for the first week of the challenge I'll be on the road, on a research trip to San Francisco and Washington DC. I'll be a busy bee, but have of course factored in a few days holiday to explore, so if you have any tips - fabric shops or otherwise - please do share. First stop, Maker Faire - woop!
I've asked three of my favourite bloggers to write guest posts while I'm away. I'm so excited to see what they come up with! Look out for the first one on Sunday...
[Soundtrack: 'Fun Fun Fun' by the Beach Boys]