31 August 2011

Pattern Magic Books Giveaway Winner!

Thank you to all 160 of you who entered the giveaway to win Pattern Magic books 1 and 2. Fascinating to read what your most used patterns are - the simpler the design the better, it seems. But that won't be a consideration for the winner of these stunning books, who is...

... [drumroll] ...

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 Anjomo said...
What an awesome giveaway! I've been eyeing those for a while..
My favourite pattern is the Sencha blouse from Colette. It's easy to sew but so chic and versatile.
26 August 2011 09:41

... Anjomo! Woooooo! Anjomo, I'll drop you an email about your winnings. I'm sure you'll love them.

Thanks again to Laurence King for offering these amazing prizes.