Thank you to all 160 of you who entered the giveaway to win Pattern Magic books 1 and 2. Fascinating to read what your most used patterns are - the simpler the design the better, it seems. But that won't be a consideration for the winner of these stunning books, who is...
... [drumroll] ...
What an awesome giveaway! I've been eyeing those for a while..
My favourite pattern is the Sencha blouse from Colette. It's easy to sew but so chic and versatile.
My favourite pattern is the Sencha blouse from Colette. It's easy to sew but so chic and versatile.
... Anjomo! Woooooo! Anjomo, I'll drop you an email about your winnings. I'm sure you'll love them.
Thanks again to Laurence King for offering these amazing prizes.