13 February 2012

Winners, Update, Meet-Up

Yes, a bit of an admin mish-mash post, but this is important information, people!


First up, the winners of the Sew Grateful giveaway.

The winner of the Advance 8622 pattern is... Cynthia!
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The winner of the Butterick 3030 dress pattern is... Jill!
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Woop woop! Congrats to both!

Next, a quick update on the One Week, One Pattern project. I was a bit worried I'd be Tilly-no-mates, but I'm so glad that lots of you are up for playing along! Let's do it the last week of March - from Monday 26th March to Sunday 1st April. I know some of you want some time to create a few extra bits for it, so that should give us enough time. I wasn't actually expecting anyone to make anything especially, but if the idea of the project has already got people thinking about maximising use of their patterns, then that's great. Just to reiterate though, if you can't do that week then do play along later on and I'll work out a way of joining up all the efforts. I'll launch the project officially a bit nearer the time with a snazzy button and further details on exactly how it's going to work... my brain is firmly elsewhere at the moment so if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them!

Finally, a little meet up. Karen, Jane and I are planning to go to Oh Sew Brixton on the evening of Thursday 8th March. Fiona (who many of you loved hearing from in this interview) is organising a little sewing, cake and wine evening to mark International Women's Day and to raise money for Oxfam. If anyone fancies joining us, that'd be lovely. It'll be from 6.30pm until about 9pm-ish. Please bring cake or wine, plus a donation to Oxfam - Fiona is thinking a fiver for entry, plus donations to "buy back" the things we sew from her fabric scraps, all of which will be donated to Oxfam.

Right, I think that's my admin post over. My brain hurts. I'm going to bed. Night night!