It's that time of year when, like many people, I look back over the past twelve months, reflect on what I've made of my time, and set goals for the new year. Dreaming on trains is a great way of gaining perspective, so that's exactly what I did yesterday, with a day trip out of London planned especially for that purpose.
For me, 2012 has been... intense. Throughout the year, this blog has been a welcome constant in my life. The discipline of committing to writing two posts a week has kept me focused and grounded no matter what else has been going on in my life - both at times when I've felt blue and needed lifting, or times when I was on cloud nine and maybe needed bringing back down to earth a little :)
Favourite makes of 2012
Moreover, as well as keeping me focused, being part of the online maker movement has brought me SO MUCH JOY. The authenticity and unpredictability of blogs makes them so much more interesting to me than reading a lot of mainstream media. Looking at the beautiful things people make themselves brings me so much pleasure. I love the internet, y'all!
Favourite spam comment of 2012, man
And producing blog posts myself is soooo satisfying, bringing me just as much pleasure as making my own clothing. Tomorrow marks my three year blogiversary. I am so happy that three years ago I took a risk, clicked "publish" and began contributing to such a wonderful community.
So I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all my readers who have supported me and spurred me on to keep up my blog. Your encouraging comments and emails really mean so much to me. And a big virtual hug to the other bloggers of the world who brighten my days with their creativity, wisdom and humour. You guys are the best :)
Most unexpected comment (which is actually quite cool)
And you make me want to make this blog better! I have some exciting (well, exciting for me at least) things up my proverbial (homemade) sleeve to share with you over the coming weeks. The first is a blog design makeover which will go live tomorrow to coincide with the new year. I hope you like it!
Wishing you all a very happy new year!
Love from Tilly xx