23 May 2013

Folksy Summer School

"Super duper excited" is an understatement at how I'm feeling right now having been invited to give a talk on blogging to designer makers at the Folksy Summer School. Eep! I could literally talk blogging tips all day, so having a room full of people there to listen will make a nice change from talking to... erm... mostly myself.

Plus, Folksy Summer School looks so awesome! It takes place over the weekend of 10th - 11th August (I'll be there on Sunday 11th), in a fantastic looking venue just outside Sheffield with the beautiful name Woodland Discovery Centre. (I want to go there another time too, you can learn to make an axe.) The event is for designers and makers who want to learn stuff about branding, marketing, selling etc - you know, all the stuff you need to know about if you actually want to be able to make your passion for making stuff sustainable in the long term. There will also be lots of hands-on crafty workshops for when your brain can't take it anymore and you just want to play. The speaker line up is so fantastic, I'm so flattered (and a little bit flabbergasted) to be on the list amongst such awesome people!

In my talk I'm going to reveal my best blogging secrets, including defining your niche, how to think about your audience, crafting stand-out content, building a readership and fitting it all in to a busy life. Phew!

Hope to see some of you there!