Finally! I've jumped on the bandwagon and made a Ginger skirt by Colette Patterns. And what a great choice of bandwagon - this skirt is chic, comfortable, and most of all, super duper wearable. So wearable, in fact, that I wore it multiple times before taking these photos, hence the rogue bulges in these snaps - apols!

It's a relatively easy make, although if you go for a shaped waistband, like I did, it's susceptible to sticking out a bit. Once I realised this, I had to apply a bit of jiggery pokery to taper the waistband in at the top without unpicking the whole thing. I think I got away with it! I was also a little anxious that the thickness of the denim would play havoc with the invisible zipper, but it's actually been fine and hasn't got stuck (thus far).

And finally, here's a sneaky peek from the photo shoot that never was. I tried to break with the tradition of photographing all my makes safely tucked up at home by asking my man to take a few snaps in front of a super cute row of beach huts in Lyme Regis on a recent weekend trip. Alas, the day I wore the skirt was also the most miserable rainy day (that's a brolly in my hand), plus the stripes I wore just don't show off the waistband in the photos. Back to having a disco in my kitchen on my own!

[Soundtrack: 'Get Lucky' by Daft Punk]