My lurrrrrve for Betty has grown stronger by the day since I first discovered the magazine, so I was hyperventilating with excitement when they requested an interview for their stunning Summer issue. Flick through the most dreamy fashion shoot ever (Breton shorts anyone?) and a recipe for scotch eggs, and right at the back you'll find moi, talking sewing inspiration and how I attempt to channel Benjamin Franklin's productivity strategy. Yip. Plus the magazine still smells amazing.
The latest issue of Sewing World, out today, includes an article all about sewing blogs. Written by the lovely Fi from The Sewing Directory, it features me, Rachel House of Pinheiro and Lily's Quilts sharing our top tips on blogging. Can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy to see what the others have to say! I'll be sharing plenty more tips during my talk at the Folksy Summer School.
Just one more thing. With the sad news that Cloth magazine is closing (I know!! Can you believe it?), it's more important than ever to support the magazines that represent our interests. I'll be sure to keep buying the craft mags that I love, and maybe try some new ones too. Which magazines do you think reflect your lifestyle? Anything new we should be checking out?
[Soundtrack: 'What a Man' by Linda Lyndell]