Wowzers! 1,169 entries to the Stitcher's Dream Christmas Giveaway. Who wouldn't want to win £400 worth of fabric, sewing patterns and other goodies, many of which they can choose themselves? Frankly I wish I could have made it 1,170 by entering myself! Only one stitcher can win, and that lucky person is...
Who said:
"Oh my gosh, so many lovely things! I wouldn't even know how to deal with all that loveliness! I have so many fabrics from Minerva on my wish list so I could get some of those and then treat myself to some Liberty fabric too. (Again, so many to choose from!!) Thanks Tilly for hosting such a great giveaway!!"
Wooooooop! Congratulations, makesphere, aka Courtney! I'll be in touch to arrange getting your prizes to you. I hope you have lots and lots of fun choosing your winnings and using it to make lots of lovely things. Do come back and show us what you've made!
[Soundtrack: 'Congratulations' by Cliff Richard (sorry)]