28 June 2012

Me me me....

Morning! I'm spread around the internets a bit at the moment, with two pieces recently going up on other people's blogs.

The first one is an interview with moi for the awesome Elena Cresci of Seamless. Remember that name, as Elena is destined to become a famous journalist very soon. Plus she writes a fabulous blog and has been sewing herself a very stylish wardrobe.

The second piece is a list of blogging tips that PR wizz Lissa Cook asked me to write a few months ago so she could teach them on a social media training course she runs for... erm... a sports development consultancy (!). She's now put the tips up on her blog for all the world to see. I'm a little embarrassed... but it's fine! Regular readers will recognise Lissa's name from the Day in the Life interview she did for me. My blogging tips were written with organisations rather than individuals in mind, as in my day job so often I see companies trying to jump on the blogging bandwagon but for purely promotional reasons, without considering it a two-way conversation. But maybe you'll find it interesting to compare your own blogging style... and do share your own tips in the comments here, I'd love to read them!


[Soundtrack: 'Ringing in My Ear' by Adem]