
Ooh I feel all aglow seeing such a beautiful collection of Picnic Blanket Skirts made by my dear readers! (More here.) The skirt works so well in all these fabrics - ginghams, striped shirting, plain cotton and florals. I wear mine all the time - it's one of those garments I miss when it's in the laundry basket. I'm currently dreaming of making a bright red linen version which I'm looking forward to wearing with black patterned tights in the Autumn.
If you want to make your own, take a look at the free tutorial series. How would you translate the Picnic Blanket Skirt into an Autumn piece?
PS. The awesome Joanne from Stitch and Witter (and she really is awesome - I've had the pleasure of meeting her IRL, y'all) interviewed moi for her brilliant new series on sewing style - check it out!
[Soundtrack: 'Running Up That Hill' by Kate Bush]