I'm rather proud of my first knitting project. There are a few dodgy bits, as evidenced by the photo above - including one area where, looking at it now, I guess I must have stopped a few stitches into a row, got distracted, and started knitting back the other way. Nice one! I only actually noticed when I looked at this photo though. Dodgy bits are part of a knitting project's charm, non?
I really enjoyed making this project. Learning a new skill feels so rewarding, and it's exciting to be right at the beginning when I don't know anything... I don't even know what I don't know. I got the same feeling working on this scarf as when I made my first ever dress - I had no idea what I was doing, but loved the anticipation of achievement. The thing that bothers me though is the same thing that bothered me when I began sewing (and which I'm trying to rectify with my patterns) - why oh why are knitting patterns so difficult to understand?!

To help me decipher this whole new mystery world of knitting, I got my mitts on this book, Learn to Knit Love to Knit, written by Anna Wilkinson and published by Quadrille. It's seriously gorgeous, packed full of lovely, colourful projects, including some beautiful jumpers and polka dot socks, as well as tips on getting started. (In fact, seeing this book was one of the reasons I went with Quadrille for my own book!)
The only thing is, seeing as spring is around the corner, I don't really feel like making a wooly hat or wrist warmers as my next project. What does one knit for spring/summer? In London? That's easy-ish? And nice? I've been hunting through Ravelry, and naturally, I have my eye on some tops of the striped - one might even say "Breton" - variety - including this, this and this. (Let's face it, you always need a jumper in London in the Summer.) No idea whether they are achievable on my very limited skills, but I'm always up for a challenge. I've also discovered the wonderful designs of Andi Satterlund. This lady designs absolutely beautiful knitting patterns that are right up my proverbial street, and has great taste in pattern names to boot (she's got a Mathilde hat and a Miette cardigan!). They look like they might be a bit too ambitious for my next project though. Anything else you can suggest that I might like to make next?
Thanks for your help!