Let's face it, threading an overlocker or serger isn't the most fun you could be having while sat at your sewing table.
The good news is that it's actually quite rare that you'd need to thread it from scratch.
More often than not, you can get away with this easy, speedy method of changing the threads that I'm going to show you - a method which doesn't require you to navigate all those hooks and loopers. Hooray!
You'll need to do this while the machine is already threaded up, before any of the cones run out of thread - so keep a beady eye on those cones. It's the perfect way of rethreading if you just want to change the colour, for example.
This video is an extract from our online sewing workshop Make Friends with an Overlocker or Serger. My latest video class will get you feeling confident using your machine, whether you've never touched an overlocker or serger before or already use one but don't feel you've fully got to grips with the settings.
I'm so proud of this workshop and all the people who have taken it so far - the workshop comments boards are packed of people saying they've had light bulb moments and now feel they have a much better grasp of their machine :)
“I think it has been a fantastic workshop. Everything is shown and explained really well. I will be going back over it as there is so much to take in.” – Mary“Wonderful workshop. Lots of great tips to help build confidence!” – Kim“Thank you very much for a brilliant workshop! I’ve learnt a lot and feel more confident now to give my overlocker the airtime it deserves.” – Emma
Find out more about the workshop here, where you can also watch the trailer.
Author: Tilly Walnes
Video: Lara Elliott