18 May 2012

Mid-Month Me-Made-May Magic!


I can't believe we're half way through Me-Made-May already! Last year I took part in the same challenge to wear homemade clothing all month long, but this time round it's been sooooo much easier. Partly because I've got more self-stitched stuff in my wardrobe, partly because as I've become more experienced I've sewn more practical things that I actually wear (not just things I'd wear if I were living in a Douglas Sirk movie), and partly because I'm not forcing myself to take photos every day - only when I remember! I've been posting pictures to my Pinterest page and it's nice to see other Me-Made-May comrades' snaps popping up on Pinterest too. I'm about to go on a work trip to somewhere which might just make you insanely jealous (clue: I work in film)... let's hope the homemade wardrobe can handle it... Wish me bon voyage!

(Click on the images to see my original posts on the makes)

[Soundtrack: 'Peggy Day' by Bob Dylan]